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Thyroid Gland Histology Slide Identification Points


Under The Light Microscopic Structure Of  Thyroid Gland

Identifying the thyroid gland in histological slides under a light microscope involves recognizing specific structural and cellular features.

 Here are the key points to identify the thyroid gland, using appropriate terminology:

  1. Follicles: The thyroid gland is composed of numerous spherical or oval follicles. These follicles are the basic functional units of the thyroid gland and vary in size.

  2. Follicular Epithelium: The wall of each follicle is lined by a simple cuboidal or columnar epithelium, known as the follicular cells (or thyrocytes). The height of these cells can vary depending on their activity level.

  3. Colloid: The central cavity of each follicle contains a homogeneous, eosinophilic (pink-staining) substance called colloid, which is rich in thyroglobulin. This colloid stores thyroid hormones.

  4. Parafollicular Cells: Also known as C cells, parafollicular cells are found in the interstitial space between follicles or within the follicular epithelium. They are larger and paler-staining compared to follicular cells and are responsible for producing calcitonin.

  5. Stroma: The connective tissue stroma, which includes blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves, supports the follicles. The stroma also contains a network of reticular fibers.

  6. Capillaries: The thyroid gland is highly vascularized. Numerous capillaries can be observed in the stroma surrounding the follicles, providing a rich blood supply.

Descriptive Terminology:

  • Eosinophilic: Staining pink with eosin, indicating the presence of proteins like thyroglobulin in the colloid.
  • Simple Cuboidal Epithelium: A single layer of cube-shaped cells, indicative of active thyroid follicles.
  • Homogeneous: Uniform in appearance, describing the colloid.
  • Reticular Fibers: Fine fibers that form a supportive network within the stroma.
  • Highly Vascularized: Containing many blood vessels, important for hormone distribution.

Example Slide Description:

"Under the light microscope, the thyroid gland histology slide displays numerous round to oval follicles, each filled with a homogeneous, eosinophilic colloid. The follicles are lined by a simple cuboidal epithelium, which can become columnar in more active follicles. Interspersed among the follicles, parafollicular (C) cells can be identified by their larger size and paler staining. The stroma is rich in capillaries and contains a network of reticular fibers supporting the follicles."

By using these key points and descriptive terms, you can effectively identify and describe the thyroid gland in histological slides.

written by : Ikrambaigtech

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