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Sub-Mandibular Gland Histology Slide Identification Points

Sub-Mandibular Gland Under The Light Microscopic Structure

Identifying the submandibular gland under a light microscope involves recognizing its unique histological features.

Here are the key identification points:

  1. Lobular Structure: The submandibular gland is divided into lobules by connective tissue septa. Each lobule contains numerous secretory units.

  2. Mixed Gland: This gland has both serous and mucous acini. The serous acini are responsible for producing a watery secretion, while the mucous acini produce a thicker, mucous secretion.

  3. Serous Demilunes: In mixed acini, serous cells are often arranged in crescent-shaped structures called serous demilunes, which cap the mucous acini.

  4. Acini:

    • Serous Acini: These are spherical clusters of cells that stain darkly due to their abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum and secretory granules.
    • Mucous Acini: These appear lighter due to the large amount of mucin within their cells, which is lightly stained.
  5. Duct System:

    • Intercalated Ducts: These small ducts are lined with low cuboidal epithelium and connect acini to striated ducts.
    • Striated Ducts: Lined with columnar epithelial cells that have basal striations, these ducts modify the saliva by reabsorbing sodium and secreting potassium and bicarbonate.
    • Excretory Ducts: These larger ducts carry saliva to the oral cavity and are lined with stratified or pseudostratified columnar epithelium.
  6. Blood Vessels and Nerves: The connective tissue surrounding the lobules contains blood vessels and nerves, which are essential for gland function.

  7. Capsule: The gland is encased in a fibrous capsule that provides structural support.

When viewing a histology slide of the submandibular gland under a light microscope, use these specific terms and features to accurately identify and describe the gland's structure.

click here to watch video on youtube channel 

Written By: IkrambaigTech

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