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Showing posts from November, 2023Show All
Prostate Gland Histology Slide identification Points
Dense Regular C.T Histology Slide Identification Points
Fallopain Tube Histology Slides identification Points
Kidney cortex&Medulla Histology identification Points
Cerebellum Histology Slide Identification  Points
Nerve Ganglion Histology Identification Points
Peripheral Nerve Histology identification Points
Spinal cord Histology identification points
Adipose Connective Tissue Histology slide identification points
Tongue & Skeletal Muscle Histology Identification Points
Cardiac Muscle Histology identification Points
Smooth Muscle Histology Slide Identification  Points
Compact Bone Histology Identification Points
Cancellous/Spongy Bone Histology Slide Identification Points
Trachea Histology Slide Identification Points
Fibrocartilage Histology Slide Identification Points
Large intestine: Appendix Histology Slide
Elastic Cartilage/External Ear Pinna Histology Slide Identification Points
Hyaline Cartilage Histology Slide Identification Points
Uterus Histology Slide Identification Points: Anatomy, Physiology, and Histopathological Insights
Pancreas Histology Slides Identification Points: Anatomy, Physiology, and Clinical Significance Explained
Urinary Bladder Histology Slide: Detailed Anatomy, Physiology, and Clinical Insights
Rectum Large Intestine Histology Slide  Identification Points
Vas Deferens Histology Slide : Smooth Muscle Layer Identification and Epithelium Structure