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Compact Bone Histology Identification Points

Under The Light Microscopic View of Compact Bone

Identifying histological features on a compact bone histology slide involves examining the tissue under a microscope. Here are key points to look for when identifying structures in compact bone histology slides:

  1. Osteons (Haversian Systems):

    • The fundamental structural units of compact bone.
    • Consist of concentric layers of lamellae surrounding a central canal (Haversian canal).
  2. Haversian Canal:

    • The central canal within each osteon that contains blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics.
    • Provides a pathway for nutrient exchange and waste removal.
  3. Concentric Lamellae:

    • Rings or layers of bone matrix surrounding the Haversian canal within an osteon.
    • Composed mainly of collagen fibers and mineralized matrix (hydroxyapatite crystals).
  4. Lacunae:

    • Small spaces between the lamellae that house mature bone cells called osteocytes.
  5. Canaliculi:

    • Microscopic channels that connect lacunae and allow communication between osteocytes.
    • Facilitate the exchange of nutrients and waste products.
  6. Perforating (Volkmann's) Canals:

    • Channels that run perpendicular to the central canals, connecting multiple osteons.
    • Provide additional pathways for blood vessels and nerves to reach deeper layers of compact bone.
  7. Interstitial Lamellae:

    • Fragments of lamellae that are remnants of previous osteons and fill the spaces between intact osteons.
  8. Circumferential Lamellae:

    • Layers of bone matrix that encircle the outer and inner surfaces of compact bone.
    • Provide additional structural support.
  9. Endosteum:

    • A thin layer of connective tissue lining the medullary cavity and the inner surfaces of compact bone.
    • Contains osteoprogenitor cells involved in bone remodeling and repair.
  10. Periosteum:

    • The outer covering of bones, not always visible in compact bone sections.
    • Composed of connective tissue and involved in bone growth and repair.
  11. Blood Vessels:

    • Identify blood vessels within the Haversian canals, perforating canals, and periosteum, supplying nutrients and oxygen to bone cells.
    • above image taken under the light microscope
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  13. written by: Ikrambaigtech.blogspot.com
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