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Adrenal / Supra Renal Gland Histology Slide Identification Points

Adrenal / Supra Renal Gland


Under The Light Microscopic View

Examining an adrenal gland histology slide under a light microscope involves identifying different regions, particularly the cortex and medulla. Here are step-by-step details:

  1. Overall Observation:

  • Start with low magnification (e.g., 4x or 10x objective) to get an overall view of the adrenal gland.
  • Note the general structure and shape of the gland.
    1. Identification of Cortex and Medulla:

    • Move to higher magnification (e.g., 20x or 40x objective) to focus on specific regions.
    • The adrenal gland is typically divided into an outer cortex and an inner medulla.
      1. Adrenal Cortex:

      • Identify the adrenal cortex, which is the outer layer.
      • The cortex is further divided into three zones: zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and zona reticularis.
          • Zona Glomerulosa:
        • Located at the outermost layer of the cortex, cells appear in rounded clusters (glomeruli).
          • Zona Fasciculata:
        • Lies beneath the zona glomerulosa, and cells are arranged in more linear columns.
          • Zona Reticularis:
        • Innermost layer of the cortex, characterized by a net-like arrangement of cells.
        1. Adrenal Medulla:

        • Identify the adrenal medulla, which is the innermost part of the gland.
        • Cells in the medulla are usually larger and more irregularly shaped compared to those in the cortex.
        • Medullary cells are typically chromaffin cells, which produce and release catecholamines (e.g., adrenaline).
            1. Cellular Features:

            • Pay attention to cellular features such as cell boundaries, nuclei, and staining patterns.
            • The cortex and medulla cells may exhibit different staining intensities.
              1. Vascularization:

              • Observe blood vessels within the adrenal gland, as they play a crucial role in hormone transport and function.
              1. Staining Techniques:

              • Note any specific staining techniques used for the slide, as different stains can highlight various cellular components.


              The adrenal gland exhibits a tri-layered cortex comprising the glomerulosa, fasciculata, and reticularis zones, each with distinct cell arrangements. In the central medulla, chromaffin cells produce vital catecholamines, collectively contributing to the gland's endocrine functions.

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