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Liver Histology Slide Identification Points

Under The Light Microscopic View

Certainly, let's delve into more details regarding the structures you might observe in a liver histology slide:

  1. Hepatic Lobule:

  2. The liver is often described in terms of lobules, and each lobule is a hexagonal structure centered around a central vein. The hepatocytes form plates radiating outward from this central vein.

  3. Portal Triad Components:

    • Portal Vein Branch: Carrying nutrient-rich blood from the digestive organs to the liver.
    • Hepatic Artery Branch: Supplying oxygenated blood to the liver tissue.
    • Bile Duct: Collecting bile produced by hepatocytes.
  4. Space of Disse:

  5. This is the space between the hepatocytes and sinusoidal endothelial cells. It allows for the exchange of substances between the blood in the sinusoids and the hepatocytes.

  6. Periportal and Perivenous Zones:

  7. The liver lobule is often divided into periportal (near the portal triads) and perivenous (near the central vein) zones. Metabolic activities can vary between these zones.

  8. Ito Cells (Hepatic Stellate Cells):

  9. These are star-shaped cells located in the space of Disse. They store vitamin A and play a role in fibrosis.

  10. Bile Canaliculi:

  11. Tiny ducts formed by adjacent hepatocytes that collect bile produced by the hepatocytes. Bile flows from the bile canaliculi into the bile ducts.

  12. Blood Flow:

  13. Blood flows from the portal triads, through sinusoids, and eventually drains into the central vein.


  1. Hepatocytes:

  2. These are the main functional cells of the liver. They often appear as polygonal cells with a central nucleus. Look for cell plates arranged in a radial pattern around a central vein.

  3. Sinusoids:

  4. These are blood vessels that run between the hepatocyte plates. They allow for the exchange of nutrients and waste products between the blood and hepatocytes.

  5. Central Vein:

  6. The central vein is a large vessel located in the center of the liver lobule. Hepatocytes radiate outward from this central vein.

  7. Portal Triads:

  8. These are composed of a bile duct, a branch of the hepatic artery, and a branch of the portal vein. They are typically found at the corners of the liver lobules.

  9. Kupffer Cells:

  10. These are specialized macrophages found within the sinusoids. They play a role in the immune system and help remove debris from the blood.

  11. Bile Canaliculi:

  12. Small ducts formed by adjacent hepatocytes that collect bile. Bile eventually drains into the bile ducts.

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